Double Tax Agreement Singapore and Japan

Double Tax Agreement (DTA) between Singapore and Japan

Singapore and Japan are two thriving economies in the Asia-Pacific region. The two nations have embarked on an ambitious journey of expanding their economic and trade ties. As a result, the Double Tax Agreement (DTA) between Singapore and Japan has come into effect, further strengthening the bilateral relations between the two countries. This agreement has brought about new opportunities for businesses to expand their operations in both countries. In this article, we will discuss the key aspects of the DTA and its impact on businesses.

What is a Double Tax Agreement?

A Double Tax Agreement (DTA) is a treaty signed between two countries to avoid double taxation of income that may arise when a company or an individual earns profits in one country and pays taxes on that income in another country. A DTA ensures that only one country has the right to tax the profits, thereby avoiding double taxation and preventing tax evasion.

Benefits of the Double Tax Agreement between Singapore and Japan

The DTA between Singapore and Japan has come into effect since 1 January 2020, with the main objective of eliminating double taxation and promoting trade and investment between the two countries. This agreement offers the following benefits to businesses:

1. Avoidance of Double Taxation

The DTA between Singapore and Japan provides for the avoidance of double taxation, which is essential for businesses that operate in both countries. This agreement ensures that businesses will not be charged taxes on the same income by both countries. This results in better cash flow and cost savings for businesses.

2. Reduced Withholding Tax Rates

The DTA between Singapore and Japan reduces the withholding tax rates on dividends, interest, and royalties paid between the two countries. The withholding tax rates have been reduced to 5% for dividends and 10% for interest and royalties. This makes it easier for businesses to access capital and other sources of financing from both countries.

3. Protection Against Tax Discrimination

The DTA between Singapore and Japan provides protection against tax discrimination. This means that businesses will not be subjected to discriminatory taxes based on their nationality, place of incorporation, or place of operation. This ensures fairness and transparency in tax regimes of both countries.


The Double Tax Agreement between Singapore and Japan has opened new avenues for businesses to expand their operations in both countries. This agreement eliminates double taxation, reduces withholding tax rates, and protects against tax discrimination. Businesses can now operate with greater ease and confidence, knowing that they are protected by this agreement. It is essential for businesses to be aware of the DTA and its benefits, as it will help them achieve better cost savings, cash flow, and overall growth in their operations.