Welsh Water Build over Agreement Form

If you are planning to build or develop a property in Wales, it is likely that you will need to apply for a Welsh Water Build Over Agreement. This is an important form that you need to complete before you begin your construction work, to ensure that your plans comply with Welsh Water`s regulations and do not negatively impact the public water supply or sewage systems.

So, what exactly is a Welsh Water Build Over Agreement form, and why is it so important?

In Wales, Welsh Water is the company responsible for managing the public water supply and sewage systems. The Build Over Agreement form is a document that you need to complete if you are planning to build over or near a public sewer, or to make any other changes that may affect the water supply or sewage systems. This includes building extensions, laying driveways, or constructing new drainage systems.

The agreement is designed to ensure that your construction work does not cause any damage to the public sewer or water supply, which could potentially be a health hazard or cause environmental damage. By completing the Build Over Agreement form, you will be agreeing to follow Welsh Water`s guidelines for construction work near public sewers and water supply systems.

So, what does the Build Over Agreement form include?

The form includes various sections that you need to complete, including information about the property you are developing, the location of the public sewer or water supply, and the type of construction work that you are planning to carry out. You will also need to provide details about the contractor you are using, and information about any other parties involved in the construction process.

Once you have completed the form, you will need to submit it to Welsh Water, along with any necessary plans or drawings. Welsh Water will then review your application and provide you with a decision on whether or not your construction work complies with their guidelines.

If your application is approved, you will receive a Build Over Agreement, which will set out the conditions and requirements that you need to follow during the construction process. This may include measures such as providing access to the public sewer for maintenance purposes, or ensuring that your drainage systems are designed to prevent pollution.

In conclusion, if you are planning to build or develop a property in Wales, it is important to ensure that you complete a Welsh Water Build Over Agreement form. This will help to ensure that your construction work complies with Welsh Water`s guidelines and does not cause any damage to the public water supply or sewage systems. By following the requirements set out in the agreement, you can ensure that your construction project is safe, environmentally friendly, and compliant with Welsh Water`s regulations.